LG 5 Acid Soils
Product code: ACID SOILSThe flowers selected in this mixture naturally occur on soils characterised by a low pH, which allows you to produce a flowery sward on a range of acid soils.
Perfect For Pollinators
Sowing rate 3-5g/m2
Pack size 1 kilo
Terms & conditions
Mixture Formulation
- Common Birdsfoot Trefoil
- Common Knapweed
- Common Sorrel
- Common Toadflax
- Common Vetch
- Dandelion
- Devil's-Bit Scabious
- Lady's Bedstraw
- Meadow Buttercup
- Musk Mallow
- Oxeye Daisy
- Perforate St John's-Wort
- Ragged Robin
- Self Heal
- White Campion
- Wild Basil
- Yellow Rattle
Contact us on 01380 729 200 for more info